Happy New Year to everyone. SO what if I am 6 days late. Better late than never is a good motto to live by. It has been a hectic first week back in the swing of things. I think our whole family spent most of the week back to there usual duties but dragging while doing them. Despite it being a short week because of New Year's Day being on Monday, it still felt like a long week. I did sleep much Monday night. Not sure if it was the Broncos winning an amazing Fiesta Bowl game or the fact that I knew I had 1000 emails sitting patiently in my inbox at work for me to get back. I typically love surprises but when I got to work I was surprised to find a meeting invite for all day training Wednesday through Friday. Just what I needed, only Tuesday to catch up on the previous 4 days I had taken off for vacation while also trying to get anything done I would normally have to do for the balance of the week. It is going to be a rough couple weeks coming up with some of the meetings and training I have to do....