January 6, 2007

Where did Christmas Go?

I love Christmas time! It seems like you look forward too it for months and if you aren't careful you blink and it is already over. We had some great times with all the family in town and had just enough snow in the mountains to enjoy also. I love the decorating of the house with lights going through all the ornaments from years past and then the final touches of decorating the Christmas tree. Growing up our grandma gave us all a pair of knitted skates and every year they were the last ornament to be put on the tree. Each of us would take our turn to try and see who could get their skates the highest and stay. I have carried this tradition on with my kids as well and it is funny to see how each one of them reacts to it. Austin and Emily enjoy it but don't care much if theirs was the highest or not. Taylor on the other hand being the competitor he is will pout for an hour if his are not the highest. Just like his daddy!

Happy New Year to everyone. SO what if I am 6 days late. Better late than never is a good motto to live by. It has been a hectic first week back in the swing of things. I think our whole family spent most of the week back to there usual duties but dragging while doing them. Despite it being a short week because of New Year's Day being on Monday, it still felt like a long week. I did sleep much Monday night. Not sure if it was the Broncos winning an amazing Fiesta Bowl game or the fact that I knew I had 1000 emails sitting patiently in my inbox at work for me to get back. I typically love surprises but when I got to work I was surprised to find a meeting invite for all day training Wednesday through Friday. Just what I needed, only Tuesday to catch up on the previous 4 days I had taken off for vacation while also trying to get anything done I would normally have to do for the balance of the week. It is going to be a rough couple weeks coming up with some of the meetings and training I have to do....