As tradition would have it, I get to sleep in, wake up with the kids, and go with Jen to take them to school. This year hit me a little harder than those in the past. Austin is about two months away from being 13 and he is right in the throws of middle school. The Taylor that used to be my little guy is growing up like a weed right before my eyes. Then there is my little princess. WHAT she is going to school this year and it ain't something called preschool. I can't believe daddy's girl is grown up enough to be out on her own at school. I don't care that it is only half days. She was supposed to wait until she was at least 18 or somewhere close. Take a real close look at the picture. I can't be old enough to have 3 kids and have them all in school also. Where did the time go. I am so proud of them and look forward to the challenges they will over come and the things they will do, but for this second right now I am saddened that they are growing up so fast...