August 18, 2008

The Great Outdoors

Jen was out of town this weekend so I thought what better way to spend it than taking the boys up to see some of God's finest creation. I feel so at ease and such a peace when I am outdoors and love to share the experience watching my boys see something for the first time or accomplish some task they did think they could. Backpacking pushing you to limits you never thought you could do. The boys are growing up so quickly but these are memories made that I will not soon forget and I hope they don't either.

The picture on the left is Middle Rainbow lake which we stayed at the second night. The fishing was okay we didn't catch a lot of fish but Jim caught a fatty and I caught one that was pretty decent for a high mountain lake. Yes they were both kept and fried up and were so tasty.

This picture is Austin hanging from a tree. He had a fetish at a very young age with ropes and tying stuff up and making really long ropes tying several together. This has not changed and now rather than pulling stuff on the ground he is rapelling himself from trees and rocks as he did on this trip.

The picture at left is Taylor and Lowman digging rocks out of the ground to build a fire ring. They have started this new tradition helping Jim and I get our fire (or what they like to call the adult fire) going and then they proceed to build and start there own fire. It is pretty cool because they go through all the precautions. Making sure that the ground is dug up a little so that only dirt is exposed and then forming a ring with rocks. And they very best part it kept them very busy.

The below is of Jim and Lowman (our backpacking partners) Austin, Taylor and I right before throwing our packs on our shoulders and making the trek from the backwoods back to the vehicle and down the mountain for home. It was a great trip.

I wore some cheap Keen type water shoes most of Friday evening and then all day while fishing on Saturday and I paid for it. Sorry for somewhat nasty picture.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Wow guy, I thought you lost your password to your blog. It looks like you guys had tons of fun.