This last year a group of men at church went through the first book on Quest For Authentic Manhood. It was an amazing study where we learned a lot about who we are as men and how our past has shaped. The biggest thing I learned was that our world hasn't the slightest idea of what makes a man "A Man" which was very apparent during some of the interviews they had with guys in the valley.
R. eject passivity
E. xpect God's great reward
A. ccept responsibility
L. ead courageously
Through the study we learned what it truly means to be a man and not just a man but a God's man. We learned the four faces which include King, Warrior, Love, and Friend. Along with that we learned that part of the reason we don't really know what a man is, is a result of the fact that we don't know when the journey to manhood starts or when we can really say I am now a man. I think that most of the men in the room could totally relate. One of the things we learned is that with men, and our sons, we needed to ceremonialize the events that a boy goes through as he journeys toward becoming a man. Last night I got that opportunity with my oldest Austin. He turns 13 on Monday and I wanted to share with him some of the concepts I had learned in the study and let him know that his quest towards manhood has started.
The ceremony I put together had a lot more to it but with the cold weather and snow this early in October did force us to cut back a little but God was totally in it and the day was awesome. We started out bring and early Friday morning heading to the Fort Boise WMA for some pheasant hunting. We did see 4, 2 hens and 2 roosters, but Austin only got one shot and was just a little behind. Although it was great to see them and be out in the fields with him. We then headed home and packed up the truck with the dirt bikes and camping stuff to head to the mountains.

Once we were there we unloaded everything, canopy first, and put everything underneath it to keep it half way dry. It was really raining just rather spitting pretty good and just enough to make things a little damp. I shared with him the first 2 faces of a Godly man and then went for a drive to get some more firewood. I had brought quite a bit but the temp mid afternoon was only in the 40's and it was wet and I knew we would need a fire for a good portion of our stay. We got back and unloaded it and proceeded to make some kindling and such so that we could easily start the fire when we were ready. We went through the last 2 faces and had some great conversation. Austin then wanted to go for a ride. I wasn't too happy that I brought the bikes since it was wet and cold because I knew my son and he would definitely want to ride. We got all dressed up and headed out. It wasn't too bad at first but then we got up on the plateau and the wind was quite a bit stiffer. We ended up going about 8 or 9 miles and then headed back once we really couldn't feel our hands any longer. That's right the fire got started right when we got back and it was really nice once it was up and going. Austin proceeded to go on another couple rides while I get the fire going. I wasn't about to leave its warmth again.
It got to be about 6:15 and the meat of the day was about to start. Richie and dad were the first two to arrive for the night festivities. Richie passed where we were and had to turn around. Once Austin and I heard them driving up, he looked at me with a grin. I tried to play dumb only to find out he knew what was going on. He said I know Steph and Rich are right behind me. I said no they aren't and he turned and Granddad was walking up. He was surprised that it ended up only being a guy thing and not a big family deal. We had dinner which consisted of fire roasted hot dogs, potato and macaroni salad, chips, cookies, dip and yes for all the guys that came no mustard or ketchup. What could I say it was a guy trip. We all ate and sat and stoop around the fire talking. The next part was the icing on the cake. I told Austin why all the guys were here as his support structure for life and for his journey into manhood. 

Each one of the guys there, Richie, Dad, Pop, Kelly, Jimbo, and TJ, said something about an experience they went through or a bit of encouragement to him. It was awesome. Thank you guys for investing last night and in the future of my son. I gave Austin his very first gun. A 20 gauge single shot shotgun. He was totally surprised because he has actually been using it for about a month or so but thought I had borrowed it from someone at work. We prayed over him for God's protection and guidance for his life. He then got a couple other gifts that night from some of the guys. We all talked for another 30 minutes or so and then everyone departed. Austin and I planned on staying but it was getting colder by the minute and in my eyes the night was a huge success and complete. We kept the fire going for another half hour or so hanging out and talking while we loaded up the truck to head home.
Remember how I mentioned God was totally in this. I found out from a couple of the guys that came up as well as for myself that the weather surrounding the spot we were at that night got hit with a major storm. In some places driving out there was 1-2 inches of snow or fog to where you could only see about 15 feet in front of your car. The place we were at got a drizzle off and on but nothing for the 3 hours the guys were there, no snow or fog. Isn't God amazing. Matt and Ben I wish you guys could have been here for this and I know you wish you could have also.
Sounded like lots of fun and you are right I wished I could have been there.
what a special night for both you and Austin, and the other men in his life. You are doing things right. Each generation gets a little better. God bless you both.
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